Abini Gold
Photo: Fabienne Engel
Abini Gold was born and raised in Berlin. She completed her journalism studies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover in August 2014 and went on to study directing with a focus on documentary film at the Film Academy Baden- Württemberg.
In the second year of her studies, she made her first fictional short film "Joy" and won the Goldenen Reiter award at the Filmfest Dresden, among other prizes. Further fictional projects followed, as well as a long-term documentary about the fate of an Indian girl in the midst of a women's rights gang. Her experiences in fiction and documentary have inspired one another ever since.
Her first feature-long film ZWISCHEN UNS DIE NACHT in co-production with the ZDF editorial team "Das kleine Fernsehspiel" premiered at the Filmfest München in 2023 and won the Fernsehfilmpreis at the TeleVisionale Baden-Baden.